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Name Tutorial

Create a new main.go file

touch main.go

package main
import (
type HelloName struct {
gd.Class[HelloName, gd.Node2D]
Name gd.TextEdit
Text gd.Label
Button gd.Button
func (h *HelloName) Ready() {
tmp := h.Temporary // temporary lifetime for new Godot values.
h.Button.AsObject().Connect(tmp.StringName("pressed"), tmp.Callable(h.OnButtonPressed), 0)
func (h *HelloName) OnButtonPressed() {
tmp := h.Temporary // temporary lifetime for new Godot values.
h.Text.SetText(tmp.String("Hello " + h.Name.GetText(tmp).String()))
func main() {
godot, ok := gdextension.Link()
if !ok {

Run go get -u from the terminal and go mod tidy this should update the module and install it.

After that run gd to start the godot project, then save the project in godot.

Change the node to a control node, then add HelloName as a child of the control node.

Then run the project inside godot.

Node Tree

If all goes well click the button and you should see hello.

Running Hello